RemTree - Rotarycork

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Level 1
The Rotary Tree of Remembrance
A District 1160 special project

How it works
People write messages remembering people on yellow ribbons which are then placed on to the tree in colourful garlands
Although a donation is not mandatory it is welcomed
Gives people a simple way to remember their loved ones in the middle of the Christmas rush
Each ribbon has a person/story behind the message and has to be treated with the utmost respect

Benefits To The Rotary Club
Brings Rotary into the heart of the community at a special time
Members work together to a common cause – builds friendships and fellowship
Clubs can join with other clubs or non-Rotary clubs /local volunteer groups
Great PR / Membership opportunity
Creates/enhances contacts with local authority, Gardai, community groups, etc.,
Paints a very positive image of Rotary
Gives members a great sense of achievement
A repeat project that gets better (and easier) over time
Superb fundraiser

Benefits to Rotary in District 1160
Brings Rotary out in to the community
Elevates the image of Rotary District wide
Brings clubs together in shared projects
Pains a very positive image of Rotary
Great branding project, especially if same livery & imaging is used
Gets attention of national media

Types of Remembrance Tree projects
Many different styles, sizes, locations and durations.
From large trees in city centre locations lasting 2 weeks, to small trees in shopping centres for a few days, each club will have a project that suits their membership and the locality.
It is not mainly about the fundraising, this just shows the potential and can help measure growth over time.
It is more important to get Rotary and Rotarians out in to the community in a highly visible and positive way.

How District can help
Having developed the Remembrance Tree in Cork from inception 22 years ago, Tom Woodward can help with setting up a Tree project from concept to actual practical details.

'I think that it is one of the most amazing projects that a Rotary Club can take on. It works on so many levels and the core concept is so simple yet so powerful, remembering your loved ones in the middle of the Christmas rush in such a simple yet poignant way. Each ribbon has its own story and it means so much to the person writing the message to see it join many more on the tree' he says.

We in Community & Vocational will be happy to help and advise in any way that we can.

Livery & Imaging

We have created a lovely set of livery and signage in the Rotary design that can be used by any club. We can send you imaging or even arrange to have banners/signage printed for you.


Developed by the Cork club, the app allows people to create a message of remembrance from anywhere in the world for their chosen Rotary Tree wherever it is. They can also make a donation which will go directly to the club.
Have a look - Download the Rotary Tree of Remembrance app from the appstore or google play.
Check it out and if you want to have it for your tree, contact me and we will sign you up.

District ComVoc team is here to help - please contact us to have a chat.

If you already are operating a tree project, please send details and images so that we can develop a District-wide web and PR promotion campaign

For more details on the practical aspects of setting up an outside tree have a look here

Rotary Club of Cork, c/o Gresham Metropole Hotel, MacCurtain Street, Cork
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