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House 139 - Brandon - Woodward Auctioneers

Property Sales - Antique & Fine Art Auctions
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Very attractive and elegant Bungalow residence with lovely gardens of c. ½ Acre having southerly aspect.

                    ‘Brandon’ Kilcoolishal, Glanmire, Co. Cork.                    
For sale by private treaty with vacant possession
Bright Reception Hall with cloak closet, phone and power points.

Guest Bathroom with washhand basin and toilet, tiled walls.
Livingroom / Diningroom:
6.71 x 6.44m
22 x 21.1ft
L-shaped, having bright windows overlooking gardens.
Open fireplace in stone surround with mahogany mantle and tiled hearth. Sloping pine ceiling.
Numerous power points. Door to Kitchen.
4.46 x 2.91m
14.7 x 9.6ft
Fully fitted with range of wall and floor presses, counter tops, double drainer stainless steel sink, tiled splashback, Tricity Bendix double oven, plumbed for dishwasher. Open to:
Breakfastroom / Lounge:
7.69 x 4.85m
25.2 x 15.11ft
L-shaped with bight full-height bay window, solid fuel stove with stone hearth. Built-in bookshelves with presses under, numerous power points, tv point, phone point
Utility room:
Plumbed for washing machine, with single drainer sink and shelving.
Long hallway:
Having hotpress with dual immersion and shelving.
Master Bedroom:
4.1 x 3.68m
13.8 x 12.1ft
Having range of built-in wardrobes with shelving and presses over, Vanity unit with sink, power points, ‘phone point.
Large window overlooking gardens.
Bedroom 2:
3.28 x 3m
10.9 x 9.1ft
Having built-in wardrobes with mirrored vanity unit. Powerpoints. Window overlooking garden.

Bedroom 3:
2.97 x 2.72m
9.9 x 8.11ft
Having built-in wardrobes with mirrored vanity unit. Powerpoints. Large window.
Bedroom 4 / Study:
3.66 x 2.74m
12 x 8.11ft
Having bookshelves, powerpoints, TV point, large window.
Having suite of pedestal washhand basin, toilet and bath, enclosed shower cubicle with Triton electric shower. Fully tiled walls and floor
Double glazed uPVC windows and doors throughout,
Oil fired central heating system and solid fuel stove,
Full security system with outside sensor lighting,
Multi channel TV
Site area: 0.56 acre

House: 1,876sq ft / 172 m²
The house is approached by a tarmacadammed driveway with ample parking area and surrounded by tall mature trees and hedging.

The double level gardens are laid out in grass lawn with a profusion of trees and shrubs, flower beds and a gravelled open patio area with full southerly aspect and stone flagged area.

There is a garden shed and boiler house.

There is an area of scrubland with is part of the property and an unused area to the south.
Solicitor: Ms Carol Jermyn, Messrs Ronan Daly Jermyn Solicitors, 2 Park Place, Citygate Park, Mahon Point, Cork, Ireland

Tenure: Freehold

BER: No. 107491318

Guide Price: €410,000
The Auctioneers are delighted to bring this lovely property to the market and highly recommend its’ sale.
It is in a lovely location on a south facing stepped site with mature gardens extending to over half of an acre.
The house has been tastefully decorated throughout and makes the most of the southerly aspect.
The extended Breakfastroom/lounge adds a comfortable family area to the residence.
It is located within easy distance of Glounthaune village and Glanmire with all their amenities and Cork city is easily reached via the South Ring Road and Tunnel.
It is close to the N8 motorway and the Eastern bypass.
Joseph Woodward & Sons Ltd., 26, Cook Street, Cork, Ireland.
T: 021 4273327 F: 021 4272891 E: info@woodward.ie W: woodward.ie PSRA No 01441
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