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House 162 11 Pinecourt - Woodward Auctioneers

Property Sales - Antique & Fine Art Auctions
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Attractive ground floor 2 bed apartment with large private garden
No. 11, Pinecourt,  
Church Road,
Tiled covered lobby.
Entrance hall
With shelved hotpress having dual immersion.
5.43 x 4.83m
16’3 x  15’10 ft
Having TV and powerpoints. Sliding door to patio  and large garden.
2.97 x 1.74m
9’9 x 5’8ft
Having built-in  wall and floor presses, stainless steel sink, Beko electric oven, extractor  fan. Plumbed for washing machine. Tiled floor, powerpoints.
Bedroom 1:[image:image-0]
3.95 x 2.56m
12’11 x 8’5ft
Having built-in wardrobes with presses over,  window overlooking garden, powerpoints.
Bedroom 2:[image:image-0]
3.24 x 2.69m
10’7 x 8’10ft
Having window overlooking garden, powerpoints
Bathroom /wetroom:
[image:image-0]Having open shower cubicle with Mira electric  pump, washhand basin and toilet, tiled walls and floor.
Private hedged in double sized garden with  Southerly aspect, laid out in grass lawn with mature hedging, shrubbery and  Rhododendrons, paved patio area.
[image:image-0] [image:image-1]
[image:image-2]  [image:image-3]
Gas fired central heating system
uPVC double glazed window and doors.
Large Private corner site with South Westerly aspect
Solicitor: Messrs Carol Jermyn & Co. 50, South Mall,   Cork.
Tenure: Freehold.

Viewing: By prior appointment

Guide Price: €180,000
The auctioneers recommend the sale of this well located ground floor apartment which occupies a private  corner site in this sought after mature residential development.
It is in good decorative order throughout
 It is close to all amenities, schools, shopping centre, and by a main bus route.
Joseph Woodward & Sons Ltd., 26, Cook Street, Cork, Ireland.
T: 021 4273327 F: 021 4272891 E: info@woodward.ie W: woodward.ie PSRA No 01441
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