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House111 Ennismore - Woodward Auctioneers

Property Sales - Antique & Fine Art Auctions
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Well located three bedroomed property
in need of modernisation, adjacent to UCC

No. 3, Ennismore Villas,
Magazine Road, Cork

Accommodation: Entrance hall with telephone point.
Livingroom: 4.58 x 3.5m
15 x 11.9ft Into bay window. Having slate fireplace with tiled hearth, powerpoints.
Diningroom: 3.68 x 3.12m
12.1 x 10.2ft Having tiled fireplace with matching hearth, phone and powerpoints.
Kitchen: 3.66 x 2.35m
12.1 x 7.8ft Having gas cooker, sink unit, presses, door to garden
Bathroom: 3.44 x 2.21m
11.2 x 7.5ft Having Bath, Washhand basin and toilet. Hotpress.
Bedroom No 1: 3.13 x 2.54m
10.3 x 8.7ft Telephone and power points
Bedroom No 2: 3.84 x 2.54m
12.7 x 8.4ft Powerpoints
Bedroom No 3: 3.84 x 1.91m
12.7 x 6.3ft Powerpoints
Gardens: At front:  Walled in garden with path to porch
At rear: Hedged garden with tool shed.

BER No 105111181

uPVC Windows fitted. Mains gas supply. Total floor area c102 m² / 1100 sq ft
The auctioneers recommend the sale of this terraced property which is conveniently located close to UCC and the Bon Secours hospital, and which is within easy walk of CUH and the City centre.
It is in need of overall modernisation

Guide €150,000  Under offer

Joseph Woodward & Sons Ltd., 26, Cook Street, Cork, Ireland.
T: 021 4273327 F: 021 4272891 E: info@woodward.ie W: woodward.ie PSRA No 01441
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